Appointment of Liquidators
Company Number: 2754375. Name of Company: BURLINGTONS HAIRCUTTERS LTD. Nature of Business: Hairdressers. Company Number: 3542026. Name of Company: BURLINGTONS (ROMAN ROAD) LTD. Nature of Business: Hairdressers. Company Number: 3512121. Name of Company: BURLINGTON ASSET MANAGEMENT EAST LIMITED. Nature of Business: Management Company. Company Number: 3542024. Name of Company: BURLINGTONS (CLERKENWELL) LTD. Nature of Business: Hairdressers. Company Number: 3542025. Name of Company: BURLINGTONS (PADDINGTON) LTD. Nature of Business: Hairdressers. Type of Liquidation: Creditors. Address of Registered Office: Smith & Williamson, 1 Riding House Street, London W1A 3AS. Liquidator’s Name and Address: Peter James Yeldon, Smith & Williamson, 1 Riding House Street, London W1A 3AS. Office Holder Number: 7253. Date of Appointment: 18th February 1999. By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors.