Transport Acts

The Borough of NorthamptonTRANSPORT AND WORKS ACT 1992The City of Westminster1999-04-301999-03-18NN12BNSW1P4DR-0.88995852.238707NN1 2BN-0.12930351.494637SW1P 4DRTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Northampton Rapid Transit System Limited


Notice is hereby given that Northampton Rapid Transit System Limited, of 7 St. Giles Terrace, Northampton NN1 2BN, has applied, pursuant to section 6 of the above-mentioned Act, for an Order under section 1 of that Act authorising the applicant to construct and operate a guided bus system connecting from a proposed park and ride site to the north of the A45 Weedon Road at Upton, Northampton, to All Saints Church in Northampton town centre. The above-mentioned application was made to the Secretary of State for the Environment, The Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, c/o TWA Processing Unit, Great Minster House, 76 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DR. The provisions contained in the draft Order submitted to the Secretary of State with the application are briefly described in the Schedule below. All requests for further information, notices or other documents required to be served upon the applicant under the above-mentioned Act or the above-mentioned Rules should be sent to the applicant at its address above. Any person who wishes to make an objection to the making of the Order should write to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions at his address above. Such objections or representations must not arrive later than 30th April 1999. A. Robinson, Director


The Order includes powers to construct and maintain and to operate and use the guided bus system. In addition, powers are sought to alter the layout of streets, to keep apparatus in streets and to execute other street works; to divert a public footpath; to construct and maintain new or altered streets; to construct bridges and tunnels; to construct a level crossing; to discharge water into watercourses, public sewers and drains; to survey and investigate land; to acquire land and interests in land (on a permanent or temporary basis); to charge fares; to make by-laws; to control and regulate traffic; to dispose of and to enter into agreements for the operation of the system; and to undertake and discharge other incidental and supplementary powers. 18th March 1999.