Water Resources
Environment Agency
Take Notice that Pattinson Fruit Farms of Brick Kiln Farm, Brick Kiln Lane, Great
Horkesley, Colchester, Essex CO6 4EU, is applying to the Environment Agency to vary
the following licences all at Great Horkesley:
Licence No. 8/37/23/G/87 authorises the abstraction of water from (a well in) the
gravel at New Barn Farm at National Grid Reference TL 977 307. Variations applied
for: (a) Change period of abstraction from April to September to November to March.
(b) Change purpose from general agriculture to filling a reservoir for subsequent
spray irrigation. (c) To remove area of land currently shown on the licence.
Licence No. 8/37/23/G/92 authorises the abstraction of water from (a borehole in)
the gravel at Grove Farm at National Grid Reference TL 974 314. Variations applied
for: (a) Change period of abstraction from April to September to All Year. (b) Change
purpose from general agriculture to filling a reservoir for subsequent spray irrigation.
(c) To remove area of land currently shown on the licence.
Licence No. 8/37/23/G/112 authorises the abstraction of water from (a borehole in)
glacial sands and gravels at New Barn Farm at National Grid Reference TL 971 309.
Variation applied for: (a) Change the use from trickle irrigation to general agriculture.
(b) To increase the area of land on which water is used. (c) Change period of abstraction
from June to September to All Year.
Licence No. 8/37/23/G/106 authorises the abstraction of water from (jet wells in)
the sand and gravel at Tile House Farm at National Grid Reference TL 973 296. Variation
applied for is to change the period of abstraction from April to October to All Year.
No change to authorised quantities or rates of abstraction of any of the licences
is proposed. A copy of the applications and maps submitted may be inspected, free
of charge, by appointment at Brick Kiln Farm, Great Horkesley, telephone 01206 271203
between 12th July and 8th August 1999.
Any person who wishes to make representations about the applications should do so
in writing to the Environment Agency, Cobham Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9JE, before
the end of the said period, quoting the name of the applicant.
G. E. Cooper, on behalf of Pattinson Fruit Farms
8th July 1999.