Notice of Intended Dividends
In the High Court of Justice. No. 5221 of 1998
Notice is hereby given that the Liquidator of the above-named Company intends, within 4 months from 24th September 1999, to declare a First and Final Dividend to the Creditors of the said Company. The last date for proving claims is 24th September 1999, and any Creditor desiring to participate in such Dividend must, on or before that date, send in his full name and address and full particulars of his debt or claim to the undersigned, Alan David Kenningham, of BKR Haines Watts, 4-8 Tabernacle Street, London EC2A 4UH, the Liquidator of the Company. If any Creditor does not lodge a claim by the last date for proving, he will be excluded from the Dividend paid to Creditors. A. D. Kenningham, Liquidator 18th August 1999.