Notice of Intended Dividends
In the High Court of Justice. No. 3673 of 1997
Trading at 140 Tottenham High Road, London N15 6JN, as a Glass and Glazing Contractor, as Stamford Hill Glass & Glass Co., address unknown, lately of 137 Carterhatch Road, Enfield, London EN3 5LY. An Interim Dividend is intended to be declared in the above matter within four months of 15th September 1999. Any Creditor who has not yet lodged a proof of debt in the above matter must do so by 15th September 1999, or will be excluded from this Dividend. Creditors should send their claims to the undersigned. E. T. O’Connell, Trustee Grant Thornton, Ashdown House, 125 High Street, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 1DQ. 19th August 1999.