Town and Country Planning
New Forest District Council
Notice is hereby given, that on 21st April 1999, the New Forest District Council acting as local planning authority, made a determination under the provisions of section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 in respect of land described generally in this notice, designating the areas as Conservation Areas as defined by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The areas were previously designated as Conservation Areas and these designations follow a review of the boundaries of the areas. The effects briefly of designation are as follows: 1. the local planning authority comes under a duty to pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the area; 2. the demolition of buildings in the area (with certain exceptions) requires the consent of the local planning authority; 3. trees in the area may not (with certain exceptions) be cut down, topped, lopped, uprooted, wilfully damage or wilfully destroyed; 4. permitted development rights under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order are more restricted than in other areas; 5. the right to display certain types of illuminated advertisement without express consent is excluded; 6. specific statutory duties are imposed on telecommunications operators. Lyndhurst Land includes all of the High Street and the grounds of Holmfield; Southampton Road east as far as Pinewood; Queens Road north as far as No. 28 and No. 9; Appletree Court; Gosport Lane south as far as Cornerways, including Rufus Court; Cadnam Road north as far as No. 8 and No. 21; Bournemouth Road west as far as Hill House; Shrubbs Hill Road; Dearing Close; and the development around Goose Green from Lynwood on Gosport Lane in the north to Beechan Cottage on Clay Hill in the south. Ringwood Land includes the whole of the town centre as far as the Fish Inn in the West; bounded by the A31 in the north west, bounded by the Bickerley Mill Stream in the south west, and bounded by the former railway line in the south. In the east the areas within the conservation area at its edges include Hightown Road east as far as No. 42 and No. 55; all of The Quomp; College Road as far as No. 34 and No. 29; Ringwood C of E Infants School; The surgery at the west end of School Lane; Southampton Road north and east as far as No. 65 and No. 90; The Sweep and Ringwood Manor; Nos. 3, 4 and 5 Manor Gardens; and Nos 9 and 10 Linden Gardens. The boundaries of the Conservation Areas are more particularly shown on plans available from Inspection at Planning Reception, New Forest District Council, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst, Hampshire between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday to Friday. E. Malcolm 27th September 1999.