Crown Office
House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW 5th November 1999 The Queen has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, dated 5th November 1999, to change the constitution of the Defence Council. The members will be: The Principal Secretary of State of Defence, The Minister of State for the Armed Forces, The Minister of State for Defence Procurement, The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence, The Chief of the Defence Staff, The Permanent Under-Secretary of State of the Ministry of Defence, The Chief of the Naval Staff and First Sea Lord, The Chief of the General Staff, The Chief of the Air Staff, The Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, The Chief of Defence Procurement for the Ministry of Defence, The Chief Scientific Adviser of the Ministry of Defence, The Chief of Defence Logistics, and The Second Permanent Under-Secretary of State of the Ministry of Defence. C. I. P. Denyer