Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
Any person having a claim against or an interest in the estate of Donald Louis Gardner,
late of 52 Corbiere Avenue, Alderney, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset, born on 27th November
1922, who died on 25th November 1999, are required to send particulars in writing
of their claim or an interest to the undersigned Solicitors, being the Executors of
his Estate on or before 1st March 2000, after which date the said Executors will proceed
to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having
regard only to the claims and interests of which they have note.
Jacobs and Reeves, 153 High Street, Poole, Dorset BH15 1AU. (Ref. RMD DH G362-2.)
16th December 1999.