Town and Country Planning

1999-12-012000-01-13Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

New Forest District Council


Notice is hereby given that on 1st December 1999 the New Forest District Council acting as local planning authority, made a determination under the provisions of section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 in respect of land described generally in this notice, designating the areas as Conservation Areas as defined by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The areas were previously designated as Conservation Areas and these designations follow a review of the boundaries of the areas.
The effects briefly of designation are as follows:
(1) the local planning authority comes under a duty to pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the area;
(2) the demolition of buildings in the area (with certain exceptions) requires the consent of the local planning authority;
(3) trees in the area may not (with certain exceptions) be cut down, topped, lopped, uprooted, wilfully damaged or wilfully destroyed;
(4) permitted development rights under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order are more restricted than in other areas;
(5) the right to display certain types of illuminated advertisement without express consent is excluded;
(6) specific statutory duties are imposed on telecommunications operators.


The area west of A 337 to the north of Lymington, comprising Buckland Rings hill-fort, Buckland Wood, Tuckermill, Passford Farm, Little Orchard, Buckland Manor, the Tollhouse Inn, and the fields north and south of the junction between Sway Road and Southampton Road.

Hazel Farm (Totton)

The farmstead at Hazel Farm off Calmore Road, comprising the farmhouse, farmbuildings to the east, and the track running westwards to the A 326.


The whole of the village of Keyhaven, excluding Harewood Green, houses on the north side of Keyhaven Road west of Aubrey Farm, the agricultural buildings to the rear of Aubrey Farm, the houses on the west side of Lymore Lane from Midfarms northwards, and the properties on the lane to Vidle Van Farm.


An extensive area around the town centre of Lymington, comprising all the properites and land on the following roads and streets: High Street, St. Thomas’s Street, Captain’s Row, Nelson Place, Quay Road, Quay Street, Quay Hill, Mill Lane, Waterloo Road, Station Street, Cannon Street, Emsworth Road, West Hayes, Grove Pastures, Grove Place, Priestlands Place, Queen Street, St. Thomas Park, Hearts of Oak Mews and Highfield. Also, all the land west of the railway line between Bridge Road and the Lymington River. Also, the west side of Bath Road south to No. 11; Nos. 1-12 North Close; New Street on its east side from the High Street to No. 26 and on its west side to No. 51 and Courtlands; Grove Road excluding the builders depot; Church Lane on its east side from St. Thomas’s Street to Grove Corner and on its west side to No. 36; Lymington Sports Ground; Nos. 1 to 89 (odd) and 2 to 18 a (even) Southampton Road: the east side of Stanford Road; Bucklers Court, Bucklers Mews and Hamilton Place: and Belmore Lane on its west side from St. Thomas’s Street to No. 28, and No. 32 and The Cloisters, and on its east side to No. 9.


The Green; High Street including the land south to the Danes Stream; 2 Park Road; Church Hill; All Saints Church and the Church Hall; The Old House, Molefields; Keyhaven Road east on its north side to No. 31 (Carrington Grange) and on its south side to September Cottage; Nos. 2-10 (even) Lawn Road; Barnes Lane on its south side to the junction with New Valley Road and on its north side to Clovers; Vinegar Hill; the east side of New Valley Road from its junction with Barnes Lane to Wood Lane; Mill Meadow; and land alongside the Danes Stream from New Valley Road down to High Street.

Royal Naval Armaments Depot (R.N.A.D.), Marchwood

The extent of the former Royal Naval Armaments Depot west of The Creek, including Magazine Lane and the cottages on its west side, and the areas generally north and north-east of the roundabout at the junction of Ordnance Way and Admiralty Way.
The boundaries of the Conservation Areas are more particularly shown on plans available for inspection at Planning Reception, New Forest District Council, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst, Hampshire, between the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday.
E. Malcolm
1st December 1999.