Changes of Name
Notice is now given that by three Deed Polls dated 1st November 1999 and enrolled
in the Central Office of the Supreme Court on 7th February 2000, Jean Margaret Al-Khamiri
of PO Box 926, Bahrain, the mother and legal guardian of ZAKI MISAN ALIAL-KHAMIRI,
formerly known as Zaki Misan Al-Khamiri who was born on 23rd December 1993 and of
SAAMI MISAN ALIAL-KHAMIRI, formerly known as Saami Misan Al-Khamiri who was born on
8th February 1988, also of ALEM MISAN ALIAL-KHAMIRI, formerly known as Alem Misan
Al-Khamiri who was born on 28th July 1989, together also of PO Box 926, Bahrain, minors
and British citizens, under the British Nationality Act 1981, section 1(1)(a), abandoned,
on behalf of the said Zaki Misan Ali Al-Khamiri, the forenames of Zaki Misan and assumed
in lieu the forenames of Zaki Misan Ali and, on behalf of Saami Misan Ali Al-Khamiri,
abandoned the forenames of Saami Misan and assumed in lieu the forenames of Saami
Misan Ali and, on behalf of Alem Misan Ali Al-Khamiri, abandoned the forenames of
Alem Misan and assumed in lieu the forenames of Alem Misan Ali.
Infields, 1 Old Bridge Street, Hampton Wick, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey KT1 4DB, Solicitors.
14th January 2000.