Town and Country Planning

2000-02-022000-03-08Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

New Forest District Council


Notice is hereby given that on 2nd February 2000, the New Forest District Council acting as local planning authority, made a determination under the provisions of section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 in respect of land described generally in this notice, designating the areas as Conservation Areas as defined by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The areas were previously designated as Conservation Areas and these designations follow a review of the boundaries of the areas. The effects briefly of designation are as follows: (1) the local planning authority comes under a duty to pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the area; (2) the demolition of buildings in the area (with certain exceptions) requires the consent of the local planning authority; (3) trees in the area may not (with certain exceptions) be cut down, topped, lopped, uprooted, wilfully damaged or wilfully destroyed; (4) permitted development rights under the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order are more restricted than in other areas; (5) the right to display certain types of illuminated advertisement without express consent is excluded; (6) specific statutory duties are imposed on telecommunications operators. Ashlett Creek: All the area around the head of Ashlett Creek, including Ashlett House, The Hollies, The Jolly Sailor, Ashlett Mill and Mill Pond, Victoria Quay, Seaview Cottages and the Yacht Club compound. Damerham: Most parts of Damerham village comprising: all of High Street up to Kingfisher Cottage, and including the lands down to the River Allen; the main street from East End to the start of Browns Lane; Russet Cottage and Rivers Edge on West Park Lane; the tree avenue towards West Park; Court Farm; South End down to Parvins Cottage on its west side and to Goesmere Cottage on its east side; Laurel Cottage on Cornpits Lane; Steels Lane; Church Lane and St George’s Church; and Mill End including Hill Farm; and also including the water meadows generally north and west of St George’s Church. Eling: The whole of the village of Eling and its surrounding landscape, bounded by Eling Creek, Southampton Water, the edge of housing development in Totton north of Bartley Water, Marchwood Bypass, Jacobs Gutter Lane and Marchwood Road. And on the north side of Eling Creek, the Anchor Inn and the Eling Heritage Centre (122 Eling Lane). Hanger Farm, Totton: Hanger Farmhouse, its barn, a cartshed and the immediate surroundings to those buildings. Martin: The whole of Martin village, including West Martin and the fields between, generally west, east and south of The Old Rectory. But excluding housing at the north-west end of the village, from, on the south-west side, 1 Downsview Road to Martin Club and beyond, and, on the north-east side, Vine Cottage and Jasmine Cottage. Rockbourne: The whole of Rockbourne village, from the Lodges to West Park at the south end to Townend Gate at the north end, but excluding Cae Malwen Farm and the mushroom farm next to Townend Gate. Whitsbury: The whole of the village of Whitsbury from Lower Farm at its south end to Manor Farm and the racing stables at the north end, including Whitsbury Castle Ditches and the land within them, St Leonards Church, Lower Grove and Well House Close. But excluding Manor Farm House, Plain Cottage, Warditch Cottages, Hostel House and Warditch Bungalow. The boundaries of the Conservation Areas are more particularly shown on plans available for inspection at Planning Reception, New Forest District Council, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst, Hampshire between the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. E. Malcolm, Director of Environment Services 2nd February 2000.