Order of St John
Order of St. John
The Queen has been graciously pleased to sanction the following Promotions in and Appointments to the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem.
As Knight
The Rt. Hon. Sir TaskerWatkins, V.C., G.B.E., D.L.; George AlexanderHunter; Roy HenryThomson;
Dennis JohnBrewer; David GarethDavies.
As Dame
Agnes Arthur Paton,Mrs. Barr.
As Chaplain
Stewart Adam ThomsonMallin.
As Commander (Brother)
Major DavidRankin-Hunt, M.V.O., T.D.; The Reverend Canon William H.Watkins; Sean
Alexander BrayleyReynolds; Major General Jurinus Lindo Jansenvan Rensburg; Patrick
HenryCronin; David Glanville KenelmFish; Alderman JohnVieira; George SutherlandCaithness;
John DanielGooch; Charles John HowellMann; Duncan CharlesMcAra; James ArchibaldMcIntyre;
Iain ScottTaylor; RobertTaylor; DavidWatson; StephenBarnard; Howell David JohnHarris;
Col. Michael AnthonyHayley; Professor EricSunderland, O.B.E.
As Commander (Sister)
Hilary Isabel,Mrs. Blewitt; Jane Alexandra,Mrs. Flavell; Eileen Fisher,Mrs. McIver;
Edith Mary Violet,Mrs. Hughes; Gwenan Arwel,Mrs. Watkins.
As Officer (Brother)
ColinCrick; Dr. JohnDromey; PeterEnglish; Robert LloydGriffiths; Colin HughThomas,
J.P.; Professor Richard Thomas HenryWhipp; John SeymourAllen-Mirehouse, D.L.; Dr.
Robert B. K.Broughton; Colonel Thomas UdyBuckthought, T.D., D.L.; Dan ClaytonJones,
T.D.; J.Edwards; Cllr. John J.Hopkins; David ManselJones; Harry GethinLewis; Colonel
Peter F.Lutter; GwyndaffOwen; Ralph Philip V.Rees, O.B.E.; StuartWaetzel; Christopher
JohnHart; Colonel (Dr.) Christopher JohnBlunden; Victor ManuelCalle; Lt. Col. Alexander
CrawfordWylie; Major Colin Herbert GibsonDees; Dennis JohnRumbelow; Clr. IsaacMogase;
William Lardner Dennis Parryde Winton; The Earl ofDalhousie; Gavin CranstonArneil;
James AlexanderBingham; Allister DavidBlack; Edgar KeltieBrolls; John AitkenCarruth;
Joseph AnthonyColeiro; Alastair David McKayGardner; DennisGoldie; Edgar CharlesHargreaves;
Samuel McCurdyHarris; Donald AndersonMacLean; David Anderson ChristieNiven; LawsonRennie;
RobertRoss; Stephen PaulAllen; Joseph WynCalvin-Thomas, M.B.E.; Robert HefinDavies,
M.B.E., J.P., D.L.; Malcolm EdwardDurbin; Colonel PhilipEaton-Jones, T.D., D.L.; Major
Martin JamesEverett, T.D.; David AlunGardner; Gerallt WynHughes; Colonel NeilJones,
T.D., D.L.; Alexander FrancisMosson; Ronald JohnPhillips; Lieut. Commander Matthew
George ArnoldSalisbury, R.D., R.N.R. Retd.; Dr. Than BahadurThapa; David John MichaelWilliams.
As Officer (Sister)
Marian Phyllis,Miss Bull, C.B.E.; Roisin Mary,Lady Pill, D.L.; Patricia Ann,Miss
Thomas; Elizabeth,Dr. Floyd; Hazel Jennifer,Mrs. Watson; Nandi Patience Mayathula,Mrs.
Khoza; Frances Elsbeth,Mrs. Duncan; Irene Mary,Mrs. Carmichael; Alice Margaret,Mrs.
Dow; Jean Stewart,Mrs. Inverarity; Anna Olive Elizabeth,Mrs. Murdoch; Alison Jean
Katherine,Mrs. Skene; Anne,Miss Twiname; Patricia,Mrs. Hartley; Marion Sandra,Mrs.
Jones; Lynda,Mrs. Williams.
As Serving (Brother)
RicardoJacobs; GlenLyons; Nththukoyezwe ZusifaButhelezi; Jean LindsayOlivier; RoshanNandlall;
Heinz ReinhardBeckedahl; BruceGreener; John CyrilFarrant; Patrick JohnBarden; Rolf
Peter ErnstKurth; Adam McCreathArmstrong; NiallBell; Alexander CrawfordDickson; John
PattersonHamilton; Thomas FindlayJessop; RobertJohnston; John Owen ab IvorJones; Edward
AndersonMalcolm; JamesMalone; Charles InglisMunro; John Findlay RussellPaul; AlanRae;
Donald JamesRiddell; William ScottRiddick; Peter BorthwickScott; Russell GrayStevenson;
George AlexanderWay of Plean; Gordon MalcolmWyllie; Alexander JamesYoung; Stephen
MichaelBanks; John RobertBeecher; MalcolmBromley; DavidBruten; Anthony GeorgeCalarco;
ColinEvans; David ArwelFowler; David MorleyHarries; Miles RaymondJames; AneurinJones;
William John EirianJones; Lyn EdwardJones; Mervyn ChristopherJones; William GeorgeLewis;
RoyNoble; Douglas NormanPailthorpe; Michael JamesPower; Raymond JohnPreston; The Reverend
Canon DavidPryce-Morris; David NigelRees, R.N.; Michael AllanRoberts; AndrewWallace;
John EirianWilliams; Reverend Jeremy HughWinston.
As Serving (Sister)
Gadija,Mrs. Kamish; Angela,Mrs. Lopes; Jean Greta,Mrs. Roy; Cheryl Ann,Mrs. Ellis;
Jabu Rebecca,Mrs. Zuma; Jennifer Catherine,Miss Stillwell; Carol,Miss van Heerden;
Margaret Jamesina,Miss Bower; Doris Muriel McGregor,Mrs. Dickson; The Countess of
Dundee; Jessie Evelyn,Mrs. Greenwood; Elisabeth Cargill,Mrs. Hill; Eileen Elizabeth,Mrs.
Hunter; Evelyn Margaret Fortune,Mrs. Mann; Jessica Reith Fiddes,Mrs. Matheson; Anita
Janette Gardiner,Mrs. McDougall; Janette Blair,Mrs. McMahon; Mary Wood,Mrs. Messer;
Elizabeth Henderson Findlay,Mrs. Paul; Muriel Anne,Mrs. Sharp; Anne,Mrs. Wilson; Janice,Mrs.
Barnard; Eluned Margaret Ramsey,Mrs. Clifton-Davies; Sioned Angharad,Miss Davies;
Melanie Petra,Mrs. Evans; Louise Emma,Miss Gwyther; Jayne Cathrin,Miss Hughes; Cheryl
Cynthia,Mrs. James; Eleanor Ruth,Mrs. Lambert; Catherine Lesley,Mrs. Lewis; Christine
Sharon,Mrs. Lloyd; Michelle,Miss Morgan; Jennifer Beverley,Mrs. Nickson; Morfydd Elaine,Mrs.
Power; Alison Heather,Mrs. Price; Hilarie,Mrs. Primmer; Anne Magdalen,Puffett; Jeanette
Lavon,Mrs. Smith; Heidi Brunhild Irene,Mrs. Vernon; Gwyneth Eira,Mrs. Wyatt.