Banks of Issue in Scotland

2000-06-132000-05-272000-06-19Bank Notes (Scotland) Act 1845Coinage Act 1971TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

An Account pursuant to the Bank Notes (Scotland) Act 1845, the Currency and Bank Notes Act 1928, and the Coinage Act 1971 of the Amount of Notes authorised by Law to be issued by the several Banks of Issue in Scotland, and the Average Amount of Notes in Circulation, and of Bank of England Notes and Coin held during the 4 weeks ended Saturday, 27th May 2000.

Average Circulation during 4 weeks ended as above Average amount of Bank of England Notes and Coin held during 4 weeks ended as above
Name and Title as set forth on Licence Name of Firm Approved Offices Circulation authorised by Certificate £5 and upwards Under £5 Total *Gold and Bank of England Notes Coin other than Gold Coin Total
Bank of Scotland The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland (Edinburgh) (Glasgow) 1,289,222 603,892.458 4,863,416 608,755,874 595,797,945 22,663,278 618,461,223
The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Edinburgh) (Glasgow) 888,355 966,452,271 20,531,268 986,983,539 969,078,978 30,108,373 999,187,351
Clydesdale Bank Plc Clydesdale Bank Plc (Edinburgh) (Glasgow) 498,773 438,436,659         0 438,436,659 441,133,983 5,211,041 446,345,023
I hereby certify that each of the Bankers named in the above Return, who have in circulation an amount of Notes beyond that authorised in their certificates have held an amount of Bank of England Notes and Gold and Coin other than Gold Coin not less than that which they are required to hold during the period to which this Return relates. M. Quick, Registrar of Bank Returns *This column includes Bank of England Notes deposited at the Bank of England which, by virtue of section 9(1) of the Currency and Bank Notes Act 1928, are to be treated as Gold Coin held by the Bank. 13th June 2000.