The London Borough of Lewisham-0.05749951.431626SE26 4EQ1997-12-272000-08-152000-10-16TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, WEST
Details of the deceased
- Claim expires:
- 16th October 2000
- Surname:
- First name:
- Nancy
- Date of death:
- 27th December 1997
Last address of the deceased
- Person address details:
- 38 Sydenham Park, London SE26 4EQ.
Details of the Executor/Administrator
- Executor/Administrator:
- Lee & Kan, 1st Floor, National House, 60-66 Wardour Street, London W1V 3HP. Solicitor. (Kah Wah Dominic Lee.)