Notice of Intended Dividends

2000-10-202000-10-03EH24DF-3.20889755.951143EH2 4DFThe City of EdinburghTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Notice of Intended Dividends


I, Murdoch L. McKillop, Liquidator, of EAS Realisations Limited (in Liquidation) hereby give notice of my intention to pay a First and Final Dividend of approximately 6p/£ to Creditors whose claims have been agreed in the Liquidation. I hereby set the date for any Creditors yet to prove their claims as being 20th October 2000. The Dividend will be paid to Creditors shortly after the expiry of this date. M. L. McKillop, Liquidator Arthur Andersen, 18 Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4DF.