Wildlife and Countryside
National Assembly for Wales
Notice is hereby given that on 26th October 2000, the National Assembly for Wales Minister for the Environment acting under section 29 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, made the Stryt Las a Hafod Nature Conservation Order 2000. This Order applies section 29(3) of the Act to the land described in Schedule 1 to the Order and specifies the operations described in Schedule 2 to the Order which appear to the National Assembly to be likely to destroy or damage the population of great crested newts and other amphibians, by reason of which the site is of special interest. The general effect of the Order is to prohibit any person from carrying out the operations specified in Schedule 2 to the Order on the land described in Schedule 1. In certain circumstances this prohibition does not apply. These circumstances are set out in section 29 of the Act. The Order took effect when it was made and will cease to have effect 9 months after it was made unless the Minister for the Environment previously amends or revokes it, or gives notice that she has considered it and does not propose to amend or revoke it. Representations about or objections to the Order may be made to the National Assembly for Wales, Nature Conservation Branch, Countryside Division, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ, before 30th November 2000. They should be in writing and should state the title of the Order. In the case of objections, the grounds on which they are made should be stated. Copies of the Order and the map referred to in it have been deposited at Wrexham County Borough Council, Lampit Street, Wrexham LL11 1WL. They may be inspected, free of charge, at all reasonable hours. J. Milligan, Countryside Division, National Assembly for Wales 26th October 2000.