Change of Name and/or Arms

2000-04-132005-04-202000-04-212000-12-22TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Royal Warrant

The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise

ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Our other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting!WHEREAS by Royal Warrant under our Royal Sign Manuel dated the thirtieth day of November One thousand nine hundred and sixty-five, We were pleased to institute and create a new Award entitled “The Queen’s Award to Industry”, to be awarded in recognition of outstanding achievements in industry either in increasing exports or in technological innovation and did make, ordain and establish certain rules and ordinances for the governance of the same, reserving to Ourself, Our Heirs and Successors full power of annulling, altering, abrogating, augmenting, interpreting or dispensing with these rules and ordinances or any part thereof, by a notification under Royal Sign Manual: AND WHEREAS the provisions of the said Warrant were amended by Warrants under Our Sign Manual dated the twenty-ninth day of March One thousand nine hundred and seventy-one, the fifth day of April One thousand nine hundred and seventy-six, and the fifth day of May One thousand nine hundred and ninety-two: AND WHEREAS We are desirous of having Awards henceforth to mark Our recognition of outstanding achievement in international trade, Our recognition of outstanding achievement in innovation, and Our recognition of outstanding achievement in environmental performance: NOW THEREFORE we do by these Presents for Us, Our Heirs and Successors declare and ordain that the rules and ordinances contained in Our Said Warrant dated the thirtieth day of November One thousand nine hundred and sixty-five as amended by Our Warrants dated the twenty-ninth day of March One thousand nine hundred and seventy-one, the fifth day of April One thousand nine hundred and seventy-six and the fifth day of May One thousand nine hundred and ninety-two shall be abrogated, cancelled and annulled and We are graciously pleased to make ordain and establish the following rules and ordinances in substitution thereof: Firstly: Awards of “The Queen’s Award for Export Achievement”, “The Queen’s Award for Technological Achievement”, and “The Queen’s Award for Environmental Achievement” previously conferred shall continue to be known by these titles during their currency. Secondly: Awards made under this Our Warrant shall be designated and styled “The Queen’s Award for Enterprise”. Thirdly: Recipients of an Award shall be entitled to use an emblem approved by Us and to display it on their goods, packagings, correspondence and publicity material and on flags and plaques and in other ways consistent with the dignity of recognition granted under the terms of this Our Warrant and in accordance with the Grant of Appointment, and on lapel badges, brooches, cuff-links, tie tacks and neckties worn by their members or employess, and in such additional ways of commemorative purposes as may be approved by The Queen’s Awards Office. Fourthly: The emblem of “The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise” shall be in the form as hereto appended and may be displayed upon a flag Azure to be flown at the place or places authorised or may be used as a device or badge in the manner above prescribed. /MILES/PKB/DATA/575755/5757551.TIF Fifthly: There shall be prepared for the guidance of Award holders a Manual which shall prescribe and illustrate the forms of display to be adopted by holders of an Award. Sixthly: The title to display the emblem of the Awards shall be conveyed by a document to be known as the Grant of Appointment which shall specify the business unit or units so entitled. Seventhly: The currency of an Award shall lapse after five years. Except where otherwise provided in the Manual of guidance the date of the year of the Award shall appear on the emblem or in association with it. A fresh Award in a later year shall be signified by an emblem bearing the new date, and the holder will be entitled to display the emblem for five years from that date. During the five years of the currency of an Award, the holder shall also be entitled to display emblems signifying any earlier current Awards made under this Our Warrant and any earlier current Awards of “The Queen’s Award for Export Achievement”, “The Queen’s Award for Technological Achievement”, and “The Queen’s Award for Environmental Achievement”. Eighthly: Awards shall be announced on the twenty-first day of April in each year, the date of the anniversary of Our Birthday. Ninethly: The names of those bodies upon whom we may be pleased to confer Awards shall be published in The London Gazette . Tenthly: Awards shall be granted in recognition of outstanding achievement in international trade, or innovation, or environmental performance by business units within Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Our Channel Islands and Our Island of Man. Eleventhly: Awards shall be made on a recommendation to Us by Our Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury. Twelfthly: It shall be competent for Us, Our Heirs and Successors by an Order under Sign Manual and on a recommendation to that effect by Our Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury, to cancel and annul an Award to any business unit. Lastly: We reserve to Ourselves, Our Heirs and Successors full power of annulling, altering, abrogating, augmenting, interpreting or dispensing with these fules and ordinances, or any part thereof by a notification under Our Sign Manual. Given at Our Court of Saint James’s this thirteenth day of April, Two thousand in the forty-ninth year of Our Reign. Tony Blair By Her Majesty’s Command GRANT OF APPOINTMENT ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Our other Realms and Territories Queen, Defender of the Faith, to [name and description of recipient] Greeting!We being cognisant of the outstanding achievement of the said body as manifested [in the furtherance and increase of the international trade of] [in the application of innovation in] [in the improvement of environmental performance in] Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Our Channel Islands and Our Island of Man and being desirous of showing Our Royal Favour do hereby confer upon it: [THE QUEEN’S AWARD FOR ENTERPRISE: International Trade] [THE QUEEN’S AWARD FOR ENTERPRISE: Innovation] [THE QUEEN’S AWARD FOR ENTERPRISE: Environmental Achievement] for a period of five years from the twenty-first day of April 2000 until the twentieth day of April 2005 and do hereby give permission for the authorised flag of the said Award to be flown during that time by the said body and for the device thereof to be displayed in the manner authorised by Our Warrant of the thirteenth day of April 2000. And we do further hereby authorise the said body during the five years of the currency of this Our Award further to use and display in the like manner the flags and devices of any current former Awards by it received as prescribed in the seventh Clause of Our said Warrant. Given at Our Court of Saint James’s under our Royal Sign Manual this twenty-first day of April 2000 in the forty-ninth year of Our Reign. by the Sovereign’s Command