Notice of Intended Dividends

-2.59404151.451621BS1 4HWThe City of Bristol2001-04-172001-05-252000-10-232001-04-25BS14HWTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Notice of Intended Dividends


Upon the Originating Application of Malcolm Ellis Cork and John Stefan Wheatley, the Joint Liquidators of the above-named Companies, it was ordered on 23rd October 2000, that the Applicants be authorised as Liquidators of the Companies to bring the assets of the Companies into a common pool and for the pooled assets to be used to provide for the costs and expenses of each of the Liquidations and to provide Dividends for all of the Creditors of all of the Companies as though there was one Liquidation of the Companies. Notice is therefore given, pursuant to Rule 11.2 of the Insolvency Rules 1986, and to the aforementioned Order of Court dated 23rd October 2000, that I intend to declare a First and Final Dividend Distribution to unsecured Creditors in this matter. I require unsecured Creditors to prove their debts not later than 25th May 2001 (the last day for proving). I intend to declare a First and Final Dividend within 4 months of the last date for proving, and shall declare and distribute that Dividend without regard to the claim of any person in respect of a debt not already proved. Forms of proof of debt are available from me upon request and completed proofs should be returned to me at the address shown below. I shall not be obliged to deal with any proofs received after the last date for providing, but may do so if I think fit. M. E. Cork, Joint Liquidator Moore Stephens, 1-2 Little King Street, Bristol BS1 4HW. 17th April 2001.