Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
(“the Scheme”) The Trustees of the Scheme wish to trace any person who may be entitled to pension benefits under the Scheme. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 27 of the Trustees Act 1925, that any person having a claim against, or entitlement to a pension of any benefit or contingent or potential benefit from or interest in, the Scheme, which is in the process of being wound up, by reason of his or her own or any relative’s or any other person’s employment with: Corah Plc, Corah Limited, Draperite Ltd, Textured Jersey Ltd, Textured Jersey Manufacturing Company Ltd, Textured Jersey Processing Ltd, and Harcourt Textiles Ltd is hereby required to send particulars in writing about his or her claim or entitlement to Richard Woodman, at William M. Mercer, 38-40 Trinity Square, London EC3N 4DJ, acting for the Trustees of the Scheme then send such particulars not later than two months after the appearance of this notice after which the Trustees will distribute the assets of the Scheme among the persons entitled thereto having regard to the claims and entitlements of which the Trustees had notice and will not, in respect of the assets so distributed be liable to any person of whom claim or entitlement they shall then have notice. For the Corah Pension and Life Assurance Scheme and for its Trustees