Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925, section 27, notice is given that all former Members of the Rising Bridge Working Mens Club (‘‘the Club’’) are required to send particulars in writing to Barlow Rowland, Solicitors for the Club, whose address is 18-24 St. James Street, Accrington BB5 1NY, on or before 14th September 2001, after which date the Club will proceed to distribute the assets of the Club among the persons entitled to them having regard only to the former Members of which the Club has had notice and shall not be liable for the assets of the Club or any part of them so distributed to any former Members of which the club then has not had notice. B. Rowland Barlow Rowland, Solicitors for the Club, 18-24 St. James Street, Accrington BB5 1NY. (Ref. MS/SC.) 28th June 2001.