Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
Notice is given, pursuant to section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925, that the Metcalfe Bros (Ramsbottom) Limited Cash Benefit Scheme (“the Scheme”) is winding-up. Any person who has a claim, entitlement or interest in the Scheme is required to provide written particulars to Philip G Moores, Trustee, Fillanne, Old Weston Road, Bishops Wood, Stafford ST19 9AG, prior to 5 July 2002. After this date, the Trustee will distribute the assets of the Scheme having regard only to claims of which he has prior written notice and will not be liable in respect of any person whose claim has not been notified to him in writing prior to 5 July 2002. Persons who have already been in touch with the Trustee regarding their entitlement are not required to respond to this notice, as the Trustee is already aware of their interest.