Changes of Name
-0.12374451.516329WC1R 4DF2002-03-222002-04-042002-03-192002-05-20WC1R4DFThe London Borough of CamdenTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
Notice is now given that by a Deed Poll dated 19 March 2002 and enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme Court on 4 April 2002, Paul Farid Serhal having parental responsibility for FREDERICK PAUL SERHAL, a British citizen, under the British Nationality Act, section 32, abandoned, on behalf of Frederick Paul Serhal, the forename of Fouad and assumed in lieu the forename of Frederick. Collyer-Bristow, 4 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4DF 22 March 2002.