Notice of Intended Dividends
Notice of Intended Dividends
(formerly Exodus Internet Limited) Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Rule 11.2(1A) of the Insolvency Rules 1986, that the Joint Liquidators of the above-named Company intend paying a First Interim Dividend to unsecured non-preferential Creditors of the above-named Company. Creditors who have not yet done so are required, on or before 15 July 2002, to send their proof of debt to the undersigned, L A Manning, of Kroll Buchler Phillips, 84 Grosvenor Street, London W1K 3LN, the Joint Liquidator of the estate and, if so requested, to provide such further details or produce such documentary or other evidence as may appear to the Joint Liquidator to be necessary. A Creditor who has not proved his debt by the date specified above will be excluded from the First Dividend and possibly from any subsequent Dividends. L A Manning, Joint Liquidator 12 June 2002.