Notice of Intended Dividends

2002-12-162003-01-132002-12-31YO304TN-1.10333253.988968YO30 4TNThe City of YorkTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Notice of Intended Dividends

In the Newcastle upon Tyne County Court  No 49 of 2000


Notice is hereby given that I intend to declare a Dividend to unsecured Creditors herein within a period of 4 months from the last date of proving. Last Day for Receiving Proofs—13 January 2003. Name of Liquidator and Address—David Anthony Horner, David Horner & Co., 2 a Pioneer Business Park, Clifton Moor, York YO30 4TN. D A Horner, Liquidator 16 December 2002.