Royal Family
BY THE QUEEN A Proclamation ALTERING THE PROCLAMATION OF THE 20TH NOVEMBER 2002 DETERMINING THE SPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGN FOR FIFTY PENCE COINS COMMEMORATING THE CENTENARY OF THE FORMATION OF THE WOMEN’S SOCIAL AND POLITICAL UNION ELIZABETH R. Whereas under section 3(1)(d) and (h) of the Coinage Act 1971 We have the power, with the advice of Our Privy Council, by Proclamation to determine the dimensions of any coin to be made at Our Mint and to alter any Proclamation previously made under the said section: And Whereas by Our Proclamation dated the twentieth day of November 2002 We determined, among other matters, the denomination, design and dimensions of a new fifty pence coin of gold to commemorate the centenary of the formation of the Women’s Social and Political Union: And Whereas it appears to Us desirable to determine a variation from the standard diameter to be allowed in the making of the said gold coin: We, therefore, in pursuance of the said section 3(1)(d) and (h) and of all other powers enabling Us in that behalf, do hereby, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council, proclaim, direct and ordain as follows:- GOLD COIN 1. The following paragraph shall be inserted into paragraph 1 in the section headed “GOLD COIN” of Our said Proclamation of the twentieth day of November 2002:- “(4) In the making of the said gold coin a variation from the said standard diameter of not more than 0.125 millimetres per coin shall be allowed.” 2. This Proclamation shall come into force on the eighteenth day of December Two thousand and two. Given at Our Court at Buckingham Palace, this seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord Two thousand and two and in the fifty-first year of Our reign. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN