Administration Orders
The City of Manchester2003-01-082003-01-16-2.24044053.479155M1 4HFTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
In the High Court, Manchester District Registry No 1012 of 2003
(Reg No. 04233125) Registered Office: George House, 48 George Street, Manchester M1 4HF. Nature of Business: Holding Company. Trade Classification: 7415. Administration Order made: 8 January 2003. D E M Mond and L I Freedman (Office Holder Nos 001234 and 006749), both of Hodgsons, George House, 48 George Street, Manchester M1 4HF, Joint Administrators.