Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
This notice is addressed to former and current employees of Kalamazoo Computer Group plc. The Kalamazoo Pension & Life Assurance (“the Plan”) commenced wind up with effect from 24 October 2001. If you were, or are, an employee of the above Company or another Company participating in the Plan (see below), a member of the Plan, and think you are still entitled to benefits under the Plan but have not been notified of your benefits, or you are a widow, widower, child or dependant of such an employee, please contact the Trustees of the Plan, care of Mrs G Vickers, Mercer Human Resource Consulting Limited, Stratford Court, Cranmore Boulevard, Shirley, Solihull B90 4QT. You should include your current address and details of any benefits you think you are entitled to, you should write no later than 30 June 2003. It is the Trustees’ intention to distribute the assets of the Plan to provide benefits for its members, beneficiaries and pensioners as soon as possible. If the Trustees are not aware of your entitlement under the Plan before 30 June 2003, they may not be able to pay benefits to you. If you already receive a pension from the Plan, or you have received a statement of your benefits under the Plan, you do not need to write to the Trustees, as they already have full details about your entitlements. The Trustees have been sending regular “progress reports” to known beneficiaries, if you have not been receiving these, then either you are not recorded as a beneficiary or the address held for you may be incorrect, in which case you should contact the Trustees (if you believe you have an entitlement to benefit). For your information, the following companies have participated in the Plan: Kalamazoo Computer Group PLC; Kalamazoo Archives Limited; Kalamazoo Computer Solutions Limited; Kalamazoo Development PLC; Kalamazoo International PLC; Beeches Management Training Centre Limited; Kalamazoo Computer Solutions (Holdings) PLC; Kalamazoo Computer Training Limited; Kalamazoo Franchising Limited; Kalamazoo Software Services Limited; Computerised Lodging Systems Limited; Kalamazoo Distribution Limited; Kall Direct Limited; Alfred Gilbert & Sons Limited; Kalamazoo Motor Trade PLC; Kalamazoo Security Print PLC; Kalamazoo System Print PLC; KMS Datacare Limited; Kalamazoo Motor Trade Limited; Kalamazoo Direct Office Supplies Limited; Kalamazoo Training Consultants Limited; Kalamazoo Business Systems PLC; Kalamazoo N.I. Limited; Kalamazoo Hospitality Systems Limited; K3 Software Services Limited; J.J. Huber Limited; Huprint Limited; K-Print Limited; Kalamazoo Finance Limited; Kalamazoo Limited; Kalamazoo PLC; Kalamazoo U.K. Limited; Kalamazoo Computer Solutions PLC. Dr B T Redman, Chairman of the Trustees Kalamazoo Pension & Life Assurance Plan