Other Notices
Notice is hereby given that at 9.15 am, on 16 May 2003, at Sydney Close, Hill Top, Wednesbury, West Midlands, the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (“VOSA”, formally the Vehicle Inspectorate Executive Agency), by virtue of powers under Regulation 3 of the Goods Vehicles (Enforcement Powers) Regulations 2001 (the “2001 Regulations”) detained the following vehicle: Reg No: L494 EON Make: Scania Type: 3 axle rigid At the time the vehicle was detained it bore no livery and was carrying chains, straps, ratchets and wooden chocks. Any person having a claim to the vehicle is required to establish their claim in writing, on or before 6 June 2003, by sending it by post to VOSA at Featherstone GVTS, RTE Division, Cat & Kittens Lane, Featherstone, Wolverhampton WV107JD, (Regulations 9, 10 and 22 of the 2001 Regulations. If, on or by the date given in this notice, no person has established that he is entitled to the return of the vehicle, VOSA shall be entitled to dispose of it as it thinks fit (Regulations 14 and 15 of the 2001 Regulations). Any person having a claim to the contents of the above vehicle or any part thereof is also required to establish their claim in writing on or before 9 June 2003, by sending it by post to the address given above. If, on or by the date given in this notice, no person has established that he is entitled to the return of the contents, VOSA shall dispose of them as it thinks fit (Regulations 16 and 17 of the 2001 Regulations).