Road Traffic Acts

The Borough of BedfordThe District of South Norfolk1.24422452.602675NR4 6AARoad Traffic Regulation Act 1984ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 19841.21917352.604105NR9 3AU-0.45848352.139558MK40 3LL2004-11-252004-11-04MK403LLNR46AANR93AUTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Highways Agency


The Secretary of State for Transport hereby gives notice that he proposes to make an Order under sections 84(1)(a) and (2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, on the A11 and A47 Trunk Roads at Cringleford in Norfolk. The effect of the Order would be to impose a 40 miles per hour speed limit on the: (a) A11 (i) northbound and southbound circulatory carriageways at Cringleford-Thickthorn Interchange; (ii) northbound carriageway from a point 295 metres south-west of Cringleford-Thickthorn Interchange to the Interchange; (iii) southbound carriageway from Cringleford-Thickthorn Interchange to a point 70 metres south-west of the Interchange; and (b) A47 eastbound and westbound entry and exit slip roads at Cringleford-Thickthorn Interchange. The Interchange is being signalised as part of major improvement works being carried out at the junction. Norfolk County Council are proposing complementary Speed Limit proposals on the local roads on and around the Interchange in order that there will be some consistency with speed limits in this area. The A11 London-Norwich Trunk Road (Wymondham-Cringleford) (De-Restriction) Order 1990 would be varied by this Order. A copy of the proposed Order, a plan illustrating the proposals and a statement of the Secretary of State’s reasons for proposing to make the Order may be inspected during normal office hours at the offices of Cringleford Post Office, 65 Intwood Road, Cringleford, Norwich, Norfolk NR4 6AA; NCC/May Gurney Site Office, near Thickthorn Services, Norwich Road, Hethersett, Norwich, Norfolk NR9 3AU; or obtained by application from the Highways Agency, Traffic Operations Division, Orders Section, Heron House, 49-53 Goldington Road, Bedford MK40 3LL, quoting Ref HA 41/29/162. Any person wishing to object to the proposed Order should write to the Highways Agency at the above address stating the grounds of objection not later than 25 November 2004 or within 3 weeks of the date of this publication, whichever is the latest. Any enquiries relating to this notice can be made in writing to Mr Paul Sinfield of the Highways Agency at the above address or by telephoning him on 01234 796519. J C Glasson, an Official of the Highways Agency