Town and Country Planning

2004-12-16Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 1990TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Isle of Anglesey County Council


Date of designation: 22/11/04 Notice is hereby given that the Isle of Anglesey County Council (“the Council”) of Council Offices, Llangefni, Anglesey, LL77 7TW, has determined that part of the town of Menai Bridge is considered to be of special architectural or historic interest, the character and appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. Under the provision of section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, the Council has designated part of the town of Menai Bridge as a Conservation Area. A map of the Conservation Area may be inspected at the Planning Department offices, Llangefni, during normal office hours, from Monday to Friday. The main effects of the Conservation Area are as follows: 1. Conservation Area Consent will now be required for the demolition of all buildings, and the alteration of parts of buildings, walls and structures (other than excepted buildings) within this area. 2. Notice of all planning applications for development which, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, would affect the character and appearance of the Conservation Area must now be given publicity that must be taken into account when determining the application. 3. Most trees within the Conservation Area are given special protection. It is now an offence to cut down, lop, top or uproot a tree, subject to certain exceptions, within the Conservation Area, without giving at least 6 weeks notice of intent to the Local Planning Authority. The Council will then determine whether or not to grant consent for the intended works. The boundary of the Conservation Area is as follows: The boundary starting point is at the Mean High Water Mark edge under the Menai Suspension Bridge. From this point the boundary follows the Menai Straits shoreline in a north-easterly direction. The boundary passes along Beach Road, passing Prince’s Pier, St. George’s Promenade and circumnavigating to include Ynys Faelog. The boundary continues in a north-easterly direction to encompass the whole of Ynys Gaint before returning over the southerly causeway to join the mainland at the rear of 22 Cadnant Road. The boundary heads along the property boundary wall between Glan Ynys and No 22 at Cadnant Road where it turns south along the road for a distance of 36 metres before it crosses the road. The boundary continues in a southerly direction of 35 metres before it turns north-westerly. The route of the boundary continues along the property boundary between Y Graigwen and Brig Y Darren before turning south between Graigwen and Lorien on Mount Street. Then on between Trefais in Cadnant Road and Tan Dinas onward between Bryn Hyfryd in Cadnant Road and Bryn Goleu in Mount Street. Continuing in a south-westerly direction the boundary follows the northern boundary of the fire station. At the westerly corner property boundary of the fire station and 9 Mountain View the boundary changes direction to follow a south-easterly direction before changing in direction again to move south-westerly along the rear boundary of 9 to 1 Mountain View. The boundary continues in the same direction along Well Street, and at 3 Well Street, the boundary turns in a westerly direction where it then follows the property boundary of Bryn Rhosyn in a north-westerly direction where the boundary circumnavigates 3 Tudno View. The boundary then follows the property boundary between Tyn Rardd, Mount Street and Hafod y Bryn, Treetops and Gogarth where it joins the property boundary of Gogarth and the public highway Mount Street. At the junction of Mount Street and Hill Street the boundary crosses Hill Street in a southerly direction before it turns and follows the highway boundary of Hill Street westerly passing Bron Ceris, Argraig and Bryn Tysilio in Hill Street. The boundary at the north-western corner of Bryn Tysilio turns south following the property boundary of 12 to 1, Bro Hyfryd and Bryn Aethwy. The boundary follows the property boundary of Bryn Aethwy in a south-easterly direction into Dale Street where it crosses Dale Street before turning east. The boundary continues for 41 metres before it turns south along the property boundary of the rear of the petrol filling station and King George’s Field. At this point the boundary crosses over Mona Road. The boundary then heads north-west with the highway boundary to join the stone built highway boundary wall which circumnavigates the sewage pumping station before arriving at the public footpath kissing gate adjacent to the roundabout. The boundary turns south and follows the footpath down the slope to the building and then continues along the post and wire fence between the rugby playing field and Coed Cyrnol. The boundary continues along the boundary of Coed Cyrnol and the rugby field and at the end of the rugby field it joins the tidal footpath which joins up with and crosses the causeway to Ynys Tysilio. The boundary circumnavigates Ynys Tysilio before joining up with the Belgian Promenade. The boundary follows the Belgian Promenade towards the Menai Suspension Bridge. At the end of the Belgian Promenade before Beach Road the boundary joins the Mean High Water Mark. The boundary follows the Mean High Water Mark in an easterly direction where it rejoins and terminates below the Menai Suspension Bridge.