Clean Air
Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
A Smoke Control Order has been made covering the entire borough and all previous Orders have been revoked. Only authorised fuels can be burnt in the royal borough. A copy of the Order and map of the area it affects can be inspected between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm at the Directorate of Environmental Health, Council Offices, 37 Pembroke Road, London W8 6PW, until 18 March 2005. The Council revokes the Orders on the following dates: 1 October 1959, 1 October 1960, 1 November 1960, 1 October 1961, 1 October 1962, 1 November 1962, 1 October 1963, 1 October 1964, 1 October 1965, 1 October 1966, 1 October 1967, 20 October 1967, 1 October 1968, 1 October 1969, 1 January 1969, 1 July 1965, 1 June 1967, 1 July 1970, 1 October 1970 and all Orders deemed to be made under Regulation 34 of the Local Government Area Changes Regulations 1976. Objections to the confirmation of the Order by any person affected by it can be made in writing by 18 March 2005, to: The Secretary of State, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR.