Statement by General Partner

2005-11-152005-11-232005-12-01TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

The following notice is in substitution for that which appeared on page 15158 of The London Gazette dated 23 November 2005:


(Registered In England, No LP10506) Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 10 of the Limited Partnerhsips Act 1907, that on 15 November 2005, the Halliwells Deansgate Unit Trust along with Mrs Karen Allan, Mr Ian Austin, Mr Michael Ball, Mr Andrew Buchanan, Mr Michael Burns, Mr Craig Chaplin, Mr Ian Alexander Craig, Mr Michael Edge, Mr Clive Garston, Mr Charles Glaskie, Mr David Grant, Mr John Groome, Mr Peter Mark Halliwell, Mr Simon Hardwick, Mr Stephen Hills, Mr Timothy Jackson-Smith, Mr Gavin Jones, Mr Julian Lewis, Miss Suzanne Liversidge, Mrs Susan Molloy, Mr Adam Perry, Mr Chris Phillips, Mr Andrew Piatt, Mr Paul Rose, Mr Francis Shephard, Mr James Sheridan, Mr Roderick Waldie, Mr Matthew Wightman, became new Limited Partners in The Halliwells Deansgate Limited Partnership, a Limited Partnership registered in England with No LP10506, having its principal place in business as St James’s Court, Brown Street, Manchester M2 2JF and Halliwells Deansgate (LP) Limited has resigned as Initial Limited Partner. Kingfisher Property Partnerships Limited, acting as Operator of The Halliwells Deansgate Limited Partnership.