Other Notices

2005-12-212005-04-052006-01-112005-03-172005-06-272005-08-092005-01-282005-09-122006-01-162005-04-072005-09-292005-08-312005-11-072005-06-292005-11-262005-12-142005-05-132006-01-092005-08-232005-03-012005-03-152005-01-122006-04-102005-11-242004-09-232005-10-122006-04-022005-11-052004-12-152005-04-142005-09-082005-07-202005-04-182005-12-052005-06-172005-06-302006-09-122006-03-242005-08-192005-11-212005-09-072005-07-272005-12-18Insolvency Act 1986TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk58096488488

In the High Court of Justice (Chancery Division)  No 2151 of 2006 Companies Court Mr Justice Lightman dated Monday 10th day of April 2006 In the matter of a Licence Holder and in the matter of


(in Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation) and Others and in the matter of


(in Compulsory Liquidation) and in the matter of


(in Company Voluntary Arrangement) and Others and in the matter of


(in Administration) and Others and Re:


(in Bankruptcy) and Others and Re:


(in Individual Voluntary Arrangement) and Others and in the Matter of the Insolvency Act 1986


(Applicants) and


(Respondents) ORDER: Upon the Application of the Applicants by notice of application lodged on 24 March 2006 And upon hearing Counsel on behalf of the Applicants, the Respondents neither appearing nor being represented but having consented in writing by letters dated 2 April 2006 to the relief hereinafter granted And upon reading the written evidence relating to this application IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. That in respect of the liquidations, the Company voluntary arrangements, the administrations, the Bankruptcies and the individual voluntary arrangements identified in the Schedule to this Order as being the subject of proceedings in the various County Court specified in those Schedules, those proceedings be transferred to the High Court, Chancery Division, solely for the purpose of making the Orders contained in the paragraphs below. 2. In relation to all the appointments held by Tina Yearsley, solely and jointly with others, the First Applicant be appointed as Office Holder in her place. In respect of all appointments that she held jointly with the First Applicant, the Second Applicant be appointed as Office Holder in her place. In addition where as a result of this Application the First Applicant becomes sole Office Holder the Second Applicant also be appointed a joint Office Holder. 3. The Applicants be entitled to publish in the The Law Society Gazette one composite notice relating to all new appointments which are required by law to be published in the The Law Society Gazette. 4. The Applicants shall when the next report is due to the Creditors of each liquidation, Company voluntary arrangement, administration, Bankruptcy, individual voluntary arrangements give written notice of the making of this Order to each such Creditor of each liquidation, Company voluntary arrangement, administration, Bankruptcy and individual voluntary arrangement, such notice to include the following matters: (i) An explanation of the effect of the Order. (ii) Express reference to the liberty to apply set out in the Order. (iii) In the case of the voluntary arrangements (Company and individual) and the administrations, the provision of all such information as might reasonably be required with regard to the conduct of the arrangements or the administrations (as the case may be). (iv) In the case of the liquidations (including the compulsory liquidation) and Bankruptcies where liquidation or Creditors’ Committees have been appointed, an explanation that (to the extent that any information which would otherwise be required to be provided under IR 4.108(3) or 6.126(2) has not already been provided as part of that report) it is open to the committee to require the Applicant appointed or remaining in office to provide an account of the administration of the estate, including: (a) A summary of receipts and payments. (b) A statement that he has reconciled his accounts. (v) In the case of liquidations and Bankruptcies where no liquidation or Creditor Committees have been appointed, an explanation that, to the extent that such information has not already been provided as part of the routine report, it is open to any Creditor to apply for an Order that the Applicant in question do provide such information as might otherwise be required by IR 4.108(3) or 6.126(2) (as the case may be), that is to say an account of the administration of the estate, including: (a) A summary of receipts and payments (b) A statement that he has reconciled his accounts (vi) Notification that if the Applicant in question has been required to provide the information referred to in paragraph 4(iv), 4(v) and 4(vi) above, whether by the liquidation/Creditors’ Committee or by Court Order on the application of any individual Creditor, the Applicant’s costs of complying with such request or Order shall, unless good reasons to the contrary are demonstrated, be paid as a costs of the Bankruptcy or winding-up as the case may be. (vii) In the case of the liquidations and Bankruptcies, notifications to each Creditor of their right under IR 11(1) (compulsory liquidation), IR 11(2) (voluntary winding-up) of the Insolvency Regulations and IR 25 (Bankruptcies) of the Insolvency Regulations 1994 to require the Applicant to supply a statement of receipts and any payments, free of charge. 5. Liberty to each Creditor of each voluntary liquidation, Company voluntary arrangement, administration, Bankruptcy and individual voluntary arrangement to apply to vary or discharge this Order within 21 days of receipt of the notices directed to be sent under paragraph 4 above. 6. The costs of this application (including VAT and including the cost of the composite notice to be published in The Law Society Gazette) be aggregated and apportioned equally between each of the liquidations, company voluntary arrangements, administrations, Bankruptcies and individual voluntary arrangements listed in the said Schedules, provided that no costs which fall to be borne by any individual estate shall exceed 10% of the value of the realised assets within that estate. 7. The Solicitors for the Applicants do serve this Order. Schedule

Case Type Case Name Sole or Joint Name of Joint Holder Date TY Appointed Court
Corporate Liquidations Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidations
CVL A L Security Systems Limited Joint C S Jackson 07/09/2005
CVL Abbey Cars (Southern) Limited Joint C S Jackson 27/06/2005
CVL Alexander Furniture Limited Joint N I Fox 05/12/2005
CVL B & G Martin Brothers Limited Joint C S Jackson 05/11/2005
CVL Cachet (Exeter) Limited Joint N I Fox 21/12/2005
CVL Carwash (Southampton) Limited Joint C S Jackson 23/08/2005
CVL Colin Haughton Limited Joint C S Jackson 07/04/2005
CVL Coolflow Services Limited Joint N I Fox 05/04/2005
CVL Dolphin Catering Services Limited Joint N I Fox 19/08/2005
CVL Edmund Hall Day Nursery Limited Joint C S Jackson 15/03/2005
CVL EVASAU Limited (t/a Planet Solent) Joint C S Jackson 07/11/2005
CVL Folding Caravan Centre (Swindon) Limited Joint C S Jackson 01/03/2005
CVL Harrisons Hair Co. Limited Joint C S Jackson 29/06/2005
CVL J Bradley (Bognor Regis) Limited Joint C S Jackson 17/06/2005
CVL Norman Offer (Transport) Limited Joint T Evans 21/11/2005
CVL Platinum Networks Limited Joint C S Jackson 17/03/2005
CVL Plumbing & Drainage Quality Services Limited Joint C S Jackson 18/12/2005
CVL Replyworld Limited Joint M Sanders 29/09/2005
CVL Snackers Limited Joint C S Jackson 15/12/2004
CVL WRE Technology Limited Joint C S Jackson 24/11/2005
CVL XS Technology Limited Joint C S Jackson 27/07/2005
Case Type Case Name Sole or Joint Name of Joint Holder Date TY Appointed Court
Compulsory Liquidations
WUC Westway Homes Limited Joint C S Jackson 08/09/2005 Southampton County Court 738 of 2004
Company Voluntary Arrangements
CVA Jason Engineering Limited Joint C S Jackson 20/07/2005 Southampton County Court 18 of 2005
CVA Replyworld Limited Joint M Sanders 26/11/2005 High Court of Justice 6835 of 2004
Administration Orders
ADM Amazing Emporium International Limited Joint C S Jackson 12/10/2005 High Court of Justice 6837 of 2005
ADM Appley Limited Joint C S Jackson 28/01/2005 Newport (IOW) County Court AO2 of 2005
ADM Beavers Recruitment Limited Joint C S Jackson 12/09/2005 Swindon County Court CVA 5 of 2005
ADM Custom Lifts Limited Joint C S Jackson 18/04/2005 Southampton County Court Misc 10 of 2005
ADM Fallen Stock Disposal Limited Joint S R Thomas 16/01/2006 Bristol District Registry 4AA of 2006
ADM Fotodirect Limited Joint N I Fox 09/08/2005 Brighton County Court 88 of 2005
ADM Portswood Colour Press Limited Joint C S Jackson 13/05/2005 Southampton County Court 12 of 2005
ADM Positively Mad Works Limited Joint C S Jackson 09/01/2006 High Court of Justice 129 of 2006
ADM R & R Roofing Limited Joint C S Jackson 14/04/2005 Reading County Court 36 of 2005
ADM Reqio Limited Joint C S Jackson 31/08/2005 Birmingham District Registry 2865 of 2005
ADM The Food Ferry Company Limited Joint C S Jackson 11/01/2006 High Court of Justice 2 of 2006
ADM WRE Disposal Services Limited Joint S R Thomas 09/01/2006 Bristol District Registry 93 of 2005
Individual Cases Bankruptcies
BKY Baines, Frederick Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Wigan County Court 3 of 2000
BKY Bayliss, John B Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Torquay County Court 108 of 1999
BKY Bayliss, Maureen S Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Truro County Court 222 of 1999
BKY Burfoot, Kevan Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Plymouth County Court 232 of 1999
BKY Cole, James Lawrence Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Bristol District Registry 10 of 2000
BKY Johnson, Stephen P Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Colchester 230 of 1999
BKY Reynolds, John Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Neath and Port Talbot 46 of 1997
BKY Wright, Paul Leslie Joint C S Jackson 23/09/2004 Lincoln County Court 216 of 2004
Individual Voluntary Arrangements
IVA Allen, Philip David (t/a Making Waves) Joint N I Fox 14/12/2005 Bournemouth County Court 214 of 2005
IVA Allingham, Roger Joint C S Jackson 30/06/2005 Slough County Court 80 of 2005
IVA Booton, Michael John Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Guildford County Court 11 of 2002
IVA Denison, Heather Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Bournemouth County Court 94 of 2000
IVA Denison, Ian Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Bournemouth County Court 93 of 2000
IVA Flaherty, Barry John Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Croydon County Court 259 of 2000
IVA Giugno, Francis (t/a Fineline Electrics) Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Nottingham County Court 60 of 2000
Case Type Case Name Sole or Joint Name of Joint Holder Date TY Appointed Court
IVA Giugno, Emma Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Nottingham County Court 61 of 2000
IVA Griffiths, J T Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Medway County Court 281 of 1998
IVA Hards, Neil Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Portsmouth County Court 59 of 2001
IVA Hawkey, Patrick J Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Truro County Court 11 of 2000
IVA Lee-Wright, Anthony Joint N I Fox 09/01/2006 Exeter County Court 2180 of 2005
IVA Lee-Wright, Inka Joint N I Fox 09/01/2006 Exeter County Court 2181 of 2005
IVA Lewis, Neil Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Southampton County Court 11 of 2004
IVA Mckenzie-Da Costa, L Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Truro County Court 2 of 2001
IVA Norie-Miller, JR Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 High Court of Justice 320/10 of 1998
IVA Nutbeam, Paul Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Southampton County Court 36 of 2001
IVA Pitcher, Susan J Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Bournemouth County Court 92 of 2000
IVA Pitcher, Nigel A Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Bournemouth County Court 92 of 2000
IVA Sayer, Jacqueline (t/a The Kings Arms) Joint N I Fox Salisbury County Court 10 of 2006
IVA Shepherd, June Beryl Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Brighton County Court 804 of 1999
IVA Shepherd, James Charles Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Brighton County Court 803 of 1999
IVA Smith, Darren Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Reading County Court 249 of 2004
IVA Tarplett, Janine C Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Portsmouth County Court 56 of 1999
IVA Tarplett, Mr and Mrs Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Portsmouth County Court 57 of 1999
IVA Winter, Patricia Jean Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Bournemouth County Court 54 of 2000
IVA Winter, Rodwell Alan Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Bournemouth County Court 53 of 2000
IVA Wood, Barry Joint C S Jackson 12/01/2005 Reading County Court 235 of 2000
10 April 2006.