Bank of England

2007-01-182007-01-172007-01-19TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

An Account pursuant to the Acts 7 & 8 Vict. ch. 32, 18 & 19 Geo. 5 ch. 13 and 19 & 20 Eliz. 2 ch. 24, for the week ending on Wednesday, the 17th day of January 2007. I ssue D epartment

£ £
Notes Issued: Government Debt
   In Circulation 38,465,446,385 Other Government Securities 13,369,847,840
   In Banking Department Other Securities 25,095,598,545
Coin other than Gold Coin
Amount of Fiduciary Issue £38,465,446,385
Gold Coin and Bullion
£38,465,446,385 £38,465,446,385
Dated the 18th day of January 2007. Mr A J Bailey, Chief Cashier B anking D epartment
£ £
Capital 14,553,000 Government Securities 2,315,212,491
Rest Other Securities 39,102,491,935
Public Deposits (including Exchequer, Notes —-
   National Loans Fund, National Debt Coin 55,592
   Commissioners and Dividend Accounts) 990,821,373
Other Deposits 40,412,385,646
Seven Day and other Bills
£41,417,760,018 £41,417,760,018
Dated the 18th day of January 2007. Mr A J Bailey, Chief Cashier(1009)