Town and Country Planning
New Forest National Park Authority
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under the provisions of the 1990 Act that New Forest National Park Authority (“the Authority”) has determined that the area described in the Schedule to this Notice is an area of special architectural or historic interest, and that it is desirable to preserve or enhance its character or appearance. Accordingly, on 28 May 2009, it extended the boundaries of Keyhaven Conservation Area.
The principal effects of the designation of this area as a conservation area are as follows:
- 1 The Authority is under a duty to prepare proposals to ensure the preservation or enhancement of the area.
- 2 The consent of the Authority must be obtained prior to the demolition of any building in the area.
- 3 Additional publicity must be given to planning applications for development in the area.
- 4 In carrying out any functions under the planning acts (and, in particular, in determining applications for planning permission and listed building consent), the Authority and the Secretary of State are required to take into account the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the area.
- 5 Six weeks notice must be given to the Authority before works are carried out to any tree situated within the area.
The boundaries are:
In a clockwise direction, from a point on the National Park boundary at the junction of Lymore Lane and the track to Vidle Van Farm east following the northern boundary of the track and the National Park boundary to a point at the southwest corner of the garden of Vidle Van Cottage. North, east, north, east and south following the boundary of the National Park to include the land and including Vidle Van Cottage, Vidle Van House and Vidle Van Farm. Leaving the National Park boundary, turn south between the field south of Vidle Van Farm and the reed bed and pond associated with Avon Water to a point at the northeast corner of the land of Harewood Green. Then west along the northern boundary of Harewood Green, but not including the lands and the properties of Harewood Green, to a point on the eastern boundary of Keyhaven Lodge. South, west and south along the boundary of the land and including the land and land including Keyhaven Lodge, Aubrey Cottage and Marsh View. South crossing the access road to Harwood Green, then east along the southern boundary of Harewood Green, southeast along the eastern boundary of the stream separating the field to the west from the reed beds and ponds to the east to a point where it joins the access road to Keyhaven Marshes. East along the northern boundary of this access road, then northeast and east around the boundary of the land and including the land including the Old Pump House, then east along the southern boundary of the pond and the northern boundary of the bridge over Avon Water. Continuing northeast along the north western boundary of the access track to a point north of Faraway where the track exits onto Keyhaven Marshes. Southeast across the access track following the boundary of the land and including land including Faraway, then southwest, southeast, south, east, southeast, southwest and west along the eastern boundaries of the fields south of Faraway to include the lands and including land including Lyndon and Saltmarsh to a point where the boundary meets the coastal path and shore of the Haven. Southwest across the Haven to a point on its western bank at the northern end of the jetty. Southwest along the Mean High Water Line southeast of the coastal path to a point where the coastal path joins Saltgrass Lane. Northwest crossing Saltgrass Lane, then northeast following the National Park boundary along the north western boundary of Saltgrass Lane to a point where it joins the lands of Salt Grass. Northwest, west, northwest, northeast, northwest, west and northwest along the National Park boundary including the lands including Salt Grass, Old Salt Grass, East Salt Grass, Salt Grass Cottage and Aubrey House also including the fields between Salt Grass and Aubrey House. North across Keyhaven Road, then east along the northern boundary of Keyhaven Road to a point at the south eastern corner of the land of Aubrey Farm Cottages. North, east, north and east along the boundary to the north of the historic farm buildings of Aubrey Farm to include Aubrey Farm House and its domestic land, but not including land or the modern farm buildings and farmyard to the north. North, east, north, west, north, east, north, west, north and east along the western boundary of the field adjoining Lymore Lane to a point where it joins the boundary of Wigeon Cottage. North and east along the boundary of Wigeon Cottage and Forfeits including the land and including Wigeon Cottage and Forfieits. Then north, east and south along the National Park boundary to include the lands and including the land including Salterns View, Pear Tree Cottage. Midfarms, Aubrey Farm Cottage, Broadoak, Solent View, the sewage pumping station and Jesmond Cottage. East following the National Park boundary across Lymore Lane to the point at its junction with the track to Vidle Van Farm.
Based on OS Mastermap at November 2007.
Paula Freeland Head of Environmental Services
Further information regarding conservation areas may be obtained from:
Paula Freeland, Head of Environmental Services
New Forest National Park Authority, South Efford House, Milford Road, Everton, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 0JD.
Telephone 01590 646658. Email