Notice of Intended Dividends

-2.50942051.458017BS15 8NH2009-09-142009-10-192009-09-18The District of South GloucestershireTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,


Company status: In Liquidation

Notice is hereby given that I intend to declare a first and final dividend to unsecured creditors herein within a period of four months from the last date of proving. Last day for receiving proofs – 19 October 2009. Please note, if you do not send in your claim, you may be excluded from any distribution of funds in this matter.

Victor Henry Ellaby, Joint Liquidator, RogersEvans (Bristol) Limited, Suite B1, White House Business Centre, Forest Road, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 8NH

14 September 2009