Warrants Under the Royal Sign Manual

Police Act 19962009-09-232009-10-042009-09-222009-09-292009-09-012009-09-072009-09-28TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk931305

The Queen has been pleased by Royal Warrants to appoint the following individuals to the Office of Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary in accordance with the Police Act 1996, each for a period of five years as hereinafter set out:

Roger Baker Esq, QPM, with effect from the 7th September 2009 by Royal Warrant dated the 1st September 2009

Drusilla Sharpling, CBE, with effect from the 29th September 2009 by Royal Warrant dated the 22nd September 2009

Zoë Billingham, with effect from the 29th September 2009 by Royal Warrant dated the 22nd September 2009

Bernard Hogan-Howe Esq, QPM, with effect from the 4th October 2009 by Royal Warrant dated the 23rd September 2009.

G A Bavister