Notice of Intended Dividends

-2.99368453.407866L3 9AG2010-03-022010-04-162010-03-08L39AGThe City of LiverpoolTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,


Company status: In Liquidation

(Company Number 05959017 )

A first and final dividend is intended to be declared within four months of 16 April 2010. Please take notice that creditors should send details of their claims to the Liquidator, Robert M. Rutherford of Parkin S. Booth & Co, Yorkshire House, 18 Chapel Street, Liverpool L3 9AG by 16 April 2010, or you will be excluded from the distribution.

Robert M. Rutherford, Liquidator

2 March 2010