Deceased Estates
The City of Manchester2009-05-122010-05-282010-03-19M604ES-2.23967253.487228M60 4ESThe District of Mid Devon-3.38701950.993351EX16 7PAEX167PATSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, Roy Benson
Details of the deceased
- Surname:
- Benson
- First name:
- Donovan
- Middle name(s):
- Roy
- Date of death:
- 12 May 2009
Last address of the deceased
- Person Address Details
- Helewood Farm, Clayhanger, Tiverton, Devon EX16 7PA
Details of the Executor/Administrator
- Executor/Personal Representative:
- The Co-operative Trust Corporation Limited (Company Registration Number 06323818), New Century House, Manchester M60 4ES. (The Co-operative Trust Corporation Limited as attorney for the personal representatives)