Notice of Dividends
In the High Court of Justice
No 0017288 of 2009
Company status: In Compulsory Liquidation
(Company Number 01534716 )
Registered office: RogersEvans (Bristol) Ltd, Suite B1, White House Business Centre, Forest Road, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 8NH
Principal Trading Address: Diamonite Business Park, Goodneston Road, Bristol BS16 3JX .
Pursuant to Rule 11.2 of The Insolvency Act 1986, notice is hereby given that the last date for proving debts against the above named company, which is being compulsory wound up, is 20 August 2010, by which date claims must be sent to the undersigned V H Ellaby (IP no. 8020), RogersEvans (Bristol) Ltd, Suite B1, White House Business Centre, Forest Road, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 8NH . Alternative contact: 0117 9475747. Notice is further given that a first and final dividend will be made to unsecured creditors within four months of the last day for proving.
V H Ellaby, Liquidator. Appointed 26 January 2010
15 July 2010