Notice of Dividends
(Company Number 05567473 )
Previous Name of Company: Trillium Partners Limited
Registered office: MCR, 43-45 Portman Square, London W1H 6LY
Princicpal Trading Address: 8 Grafton Street, London W1S 4EL
Notice is hereby given that I, Matthew Bond (9662) of MCR, 43-45 Portman Square, London, W1H 6LY intend to declare a dividend to non-preferential unsecured creditors within a period of four months from the last date of proving.
The last date for receiving proofs is 7 September 2010.
Further details contact: 0207 487 7240. Date of appointment: 29 July 2010.
Matthew Bond, Joint Liquidator
09 August 2010