Notice of Dividends
(Company Number 06382352 )
Nature of Business: Nature of Business: Hotel and Conference Centre
Previous Name of Company: trading as The Wiltshire Hotel
Registered office: Hartwell House, 55-61 Victoria Street, Bristol, BS1 6FT
Princicpal Trading Address: Foxhill, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN4 0DZ
Name of office holders: David Matthews (IP No. 9258) and Nigel Morrison (IP No. 8938). Address of office holders: Hartwell House, 55-61 Victoria Street, Bristol, BS1 6FT.
The liquidators intend to make a distribution to creditors within 4 months of the last date for proving. The dividend is a first and final dividend. The last date for proving is 20 September 2010.
Name of alternative contact: Matthew McNaughton, Email:
David Matthews, Joint Liquidator
18 August 2010