Transport Acts

2010-08-192010-08-24Transport and Works Act 1992TRANSPORT AND WORKS ACT 1992Town and Country Planning Act 1990The City and County of Cardiff-3.18267951.488786CF10 3NQThe County of Denbighshire-3.17180552.971862LL20 8SNTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Welsh Assembly Government


The Welsh Ministers give notice, pursuant to section 14(1)(b), (2A), (3), (3A) and (3AA) of the Transport and Works Act 1992 (“the Act”) that they have determined under section 13(1) of the Act to make, with modifications which in their opinion make no substantial changes to the proposals, the Llangollen and Corwen Railway Order 2010 (“the Order”).

The Order was applied for by The Llangollen Railway Trust of The Station, Abbey Road, Llangollen, Denbighshire LL20 8SN.

The Order will authorise the Llangollen Railway Trust to construct and operate a new railway (‘extension railway’) (3810 metres in length), commencing at a point 155 metres north-east of the junction of Green Lane with London Road extending along the course of the former railway and terminating 160 metres west of the western end of Carrog Station by a junction with the existing railway, together with related works and facilities. The extension railway would largely be constructed on the trackbed of part of the former Ruabon to Morfa Mawddach railway and would include a junction at Carrog with the existing railway. The proposed works authorised by the Order include the laying of the track, the removal of an embankment of the former railway, provision of a temporary access road, provision of a temporary access road, closure and removal of an existing access road and the provision of a new station building together with ancillary facilities.

The Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing determined that the Order be made, with modifications which in her opinion make no substantial changes to the proposals, in accordance with the conclusions and recommendations of the Inspector. The Inspector recommended that the Order should be made. The Minister also directed, pursuant to section 90(2A) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, that planning permission be deemed to be granted for the development comprised in the proposals, subject to conditions.

Prior to making her determination and direction, the Minister considered the environmental statement submitted with the application and all representations which related to the environmental statement. She is satisfied that works authorised by this Order will have no major adverse environmental effects.

The Welsh Ministers have, pursuant to Section 14(1)(a) of the Act, given notice of their determination by way of a notice and attached decision letter dated 19 August 2010. The notice and attached letter give reasons for the determination and the considerations upon which it is based; information about the public participation process; and information regarding the right to challenge the validity of the determination and the procedures for doing so.

Copies of the Order, the Section 14(1)(a) notice and attached decision letter may be obtained from Rosemary Thomas, Head of Planning Division, Welsh Assembly Government, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3NQ. The Order may be viewed on the National Assembly for Wales website at

Rosemary Thomas

Head of Planning Division

Welsh Assembly Government
