Notice of Dividends
Other Names of Company: Parkside
Princicpal Trading Address: 3500-3900 Parkside, Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham, B37 7JE
We hereby give notice that, Simon Thomas and Fred Satow, Licensed Insolvency Practitioners of Moorfields Corporate Recovery LLP, 88 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7RS were appointed Joint Administrators of the above named Company on 20 March 2009. All debts and claims should be sent to us at my address above.
All creditors who have not already done so are invited to prove their debts in writing to us. No further public advertisement of invitation to prove debts will be given.
The last date for submitting your proof of debt is 15 November 2010.
The Administrators intend to make a final dividend to unsecured creditors within one month of the last date of proving as above.
Simon Thomas, Joint Administrator
15 October 2010