Notice of Dividends
In the Birmingham District Registry
No 8171 of 2010
(Company Number 06984392 )
Previous Name of Company: Devacraft Limited
Registered office: 3rd Floor, Lyndean House, 43/46 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB
Princicpal Trading Address: Unit F Harrier Park, Southgate Way, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE2 6YQ
I hereby give notice that we, Andrew James Pear (IP No 9016) of RSM Tenon Recovery, 3rd Floor, Lyndean House, 43/46 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB and Dilip K Dattani (IP No 7915) of RSM Tenon, 1 Bede Island Road, Bede Island Business Park, Leicester, LE2 7EA were appointed Joint Administrators of the above named company on 13 April 2010. All debts and claims by creditors should be sent to me at my address above.
All preferential creditors who have not already done so are invited to prove their debts in writing to me. No further public advertisement or invitation to prove debts will be given.
The last date for submitting your proof of debt is 26 November 2010. The Administrators intend to make a first and final distribution to preferential creditors within two months of the last date of proving.
Alternative contact details: Andrew Simpson, Tel: 01273 725 566, Email:
Andrew James Pear, Joint Administrator
28 October 2010