Notice of Dividends

2010-12-072009-03-052011-01-112010-12-13EX13QS-3.47168250.727734EX1 3QSThe City of ExeterTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

In the Torquay & Newton Abbot County Court

No 203 of 2009


Other Names of Company: Bitz

Princicpal Trading Address: Bradley Mill, Bradley Lane, Newton Abbot, Devon

Pursuant to Rule 2.95 of the Insolvency Rules 1986, Notice is hereby given that the last date for proving debts against the Partnership is 11 January 2011, by which date claims must be sent to the undersigned, of Bishop Fleming, Stratus House, Emperor Way, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3QS, the Administrator of the Company. Notice is further given that the Administrator will declare a final dividend within 2 months of the last date for proving.

Date of Appointment: 5 March 2009

Alternative contact: Emma Keany Tel: 01392 448800

J A O'Sullivan and S J Talby, Joint Administrators (IP Nos. 8333 and 9404)

07 December 2010