Notice of Dividends
(Company Number 04901511 )
Registered office: Mountview Court, 1148 High Road, Whetstone, London N20 0RA
Principal trading address: 120 Beddington Lane, Croydon, Surrey CR9 4ND
Notice is hereby given that I intend to declare First and Final Dividend to unsecured Creditors herein within a period of 4 months from the last date of proving. Last date for receiving proofs—18 March 2011. Appointed Liquidator of Zassco Limited on 10 September 2010. Administrator’s address—Kallis & Company, 1148 High Road, Whetstone, London N20 0RA. Telephone: 020 8446 6699. Administrator IP No 004692.
Kikis Kallis, Liquidator
21 February 2011