Notice of Dividends

Insolvency Act 19862011-03-092011-03-302011-03-15TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,


(Company Number 02968705 )

Pursuant to Insolvency Act 1986 Rule 11.2 notice is hereby given that the last date for proving debts against the company is 30th March 2011, by which date claims must be sent to the undersigned of Valentine & Co, 4 Dancastle Court, 14 Arcadia Avenue, London N3 2HS, the Liquidator of Active Navigation Limited.

Notice is further given that the liquidator will declare a final dividend within four months of the last date of proving.

Dated 9th March 2011

Mark Reynolds, Office holder capacity: Liquidator