Meeting of Creditors

-2.22512052.198385WR1 3DFWR13DFThe City of Worcester2011-03-302011-06-242011-06-16PL288PJWR13DF-4.99974250.528325PL28 8PJThe County of CornwallTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

In the Truro County Court

No 137 of 2011

Jason Andrew Loosley

in Bankruptcy

Notice is hereby given, as required by Legislation section: Rule 6.81(4) of the Legislation: Insolvency Rules 1986 (as amended), that a Meeting of Creditors is to take place.

The Meeting will be held at RSM Tenon, Britannia Court, 19 Britannia Road, Worcester WR1 3DF on 24 June 2011 at 10.00 am .

The Meeting has been summoned by the Trustee for the purpose of creditors to consider and vote on the basis of remuneration of the Trustee pursuant to Legislation section: Rule 6.138 of the Legislation: Insolvency Rules 1986 and to consider and vote on the appointment of the Joint Trustee pursuant to Legislation section: Rule 6.81 of The Legislation: Insolvency Rules 1986 and will consider the following resolutions:

1. That the Trustee’s remuneration be based on time properly spent by the Trustee and his staff in attending to matters arising in the Bankruptcy and that the Trustee’s fees may be drawn on account, when required, from funds realised in the administration.

2. That the Trustee be entitled to draw his disbursements in accordance with Tenon Recovery’s disbursements recovery policy, as attached.

3. The appointment of Colin Nicholls of RSM Tenon, Britannia Court, 19 Britannia Road, Worcester WR1 3DF as Joint Trustee in Bankruptcy.

4. Any act required or authorised under any enactment to be done by the trustee is to be done by one or more of the above named persons.

Creditors who wish to vote at the Meeting must ensure their proxies, and any hitherto unlodged proofs, are lodged at RSM Tenon, Britannia Court, 19 Britannia Road, Worcester WR1 3DF by no later than 12.00 noon on the business day prior to the Meeting.

Nigel Fox (IP Number 8891) of RSM Tenon, Britannia Court, 19 Britannia Road, Worcester WR1 3DF was appointed as Trustee of the Bankrupt’s Estate on 30 March 2011 . The Bankrupt’s residential address is lately residing at Towan Cottage, Towan, St Merryn, Padstow, Cornwall, PL28 8PJ.

Additional contact: Further information about this case is available from the office of RSM Tenon on 01905 738 770 or by email at .