Notice of Dividends

0.10275051.496020SE28 0ATThe London Borough of Greenwich2012-03-282009-03-242012-04-232012-03-29TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,


(Company Number 01020745 )

Registered office: C/o Deloitte LLP, PO Box 810, 66 Shoe Lane, London, EC4A 3WA

Principal trading address: (Formerly) 50 Purland Road, London, SE28 0AT

Notice is hereby given that I intend to declare a First and Final dividend in respect of the preferential debts of the Company.

Preferential creditors of the Company are required on or before 23 April 2012 to submit written statements of the amounts they claim to be due to them from the Company, to the Liquidators at Deloitte LLP, PO Box 810, 66 Shoe Lane, London, EC4A 3WA.

A creditor who has not proved his debt before the declaration of any dividend is not entitled to disturb, by reason that he has not participated in it, the distribution of that dividend or any other dividend declared before his debt was proved.

Date of Appointment: 24 March 2009.

Please contact Dana Sayer on +44 (0) 20 7007 3919 or E-mail: for further information.

Louise Mary Brittain, Liquidator

28 March 2012